5 Competing Priorities for Retirement Plan Sponsors in 2023
Financial Markets
Markets in 2022 were volatile, with questions around the direction of inflation and the state of the economy abound. How comfortable are you with the investment selections in your retirement plan being appropriate for employees? Do your employees have the resources and educational tools they need to make decisions regarding their accounts?
Changing Technical Landscape
With an enhanced focus on tech & tools to track participant data, address plan and participant questions, and guide decision making, there is an increased opportunity for data exposure. Are you confident in your plan and partner's CyberSecurity processes?
Talent Acquisition
Is your retirement plan assisting in attracting talent to your organization or is it driving them to accept another company's offer? Your benefits package should consider all points of the career journey. Recruit. Retain. Reward. Retire
Financial Services Industry Consolidations
Previously unseen levels of consolidations among service partners is resulting in significant frustrations for even the attentive administrator. Are you getting the time, attention, and services you need? or want? Do you feel supported when you have questions?
What is Going On in Washington
SECURE 2.0 Being Signed into Law - December 2022
Department of Labor's Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Ruling
What are the IRS and DOL's audit priorities in 2023?